Have you listened to I want you to know by ZEDD ft. Selena Gomez?
Literally I waited until 2am to listen it but I coudn't... so I woke up early and now I'm freaking out because it's PER-FECT. I read a lot of comments saying that Selena ruined the song or that she's stealing his fame and I have to say: SELENA IS FUCKING PERFECT AND DOESN'T HAVE TO STEAL FAME, SHE'S ALREADY VERY FAMOUS. ZEDD is awesome, and his music is always excellent. Sooooo #ZeddlenaIsLife
I don't know how people can hate artists or musicians. I, obviously, don't like all the singers... but I would never be able to tweet, tell him/her something bad... AlthoughI'vethoughtthem,Ihavetoadmit.But you have to think how that person would feel. In my opinion 5/6 of 10 tweets to Little Mix are hoping that Perrie Edwards dies... only because a relationship. Seriously? Jesy Nelson has lost a lot of weight since TXF. I remember how she cried and how Jade tried to tell her that she was beautiful. Now she feel comofortable with her body... I guess. She must to feel like that because she has a AMAZING body. I wish I had a body like that .-. Then it is all the hate to boybands or bands where the member are boys. Only because they are guys they have to be gays?
They can't hug each other because, inmediatly, they're in a relationship ¬¬
But as Taylor Swift says: The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.